Z SoccerChic9: Surprising.
Friday, July 16, 2004
John Kerry said today that he would be willing to launch a pre-empitive strike against terrorists if he had adequate intelligence of a threat. Surprisingly Kerry offered some support to one of the most controversial aspects of President Bush's presidency.

"Am I prepared as president to go get them before they get us if we locate them and have the sufficient intelligence? You bet I am," he (John Kerry) said at a news conference at his Washington headquarters.

Kerry thinks that intelligence needs to be improved, but he also added, "I will never allow any other country to veto what we need to do and I will never allow any other institution to veto what we need to do to protect our nation."

I am kinda wondering what Kerry's reasoning is to making statements like this. Especially due to the fact that many people are not supportors of President Bush, and that is mostly due to how he dealt with Iraq. Seems kind of strange for Kerry to touch the subject in the way he did. One never knows in politics. The question is, what is adequate intelligence now? I am kinda unsure America reallys knows what that means at the moment.
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